Sunday, February 19, 2012

What in the world?!

Trying to figure out what in the world is going on with my horse. She's half thoroughbred and as such has a general attitude of spookiness and "UP" sometimes but I am so frustrated after yet ANOTHER crazy ride on her this weekend. I was hoping that something would have changed but she was extremely tense yesterday. Since this is an ongoing thing I've decided to start look into a possible vitamin defficiency so the supplement search begins!

Did discover yesterday that she seems really unbalanced to the right and it was so wierd-I couldn't help but wonder how in the world I missed it. Gretta and I will be working to fix that... Oh, AND, more no stirrup work for me. I cantered without stirrups yesterday to really try sinking down instead of posting the canter and what a huge difference! So more work to the right and more work without stirrups. Got to get ready for show season!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tough Weekend

We had a really rough weekend, the horses and I. I took my son out to ride Saturday since I take every opportunity when he's interested. My sweet boy actually jumped out of bed at 7:00 on a Saturday morning to be able to go trail riding with his mama-it made me so happy.

We got to the barn and got the ponies groomed and tacked up and I started in on the reminders the boy needed to shorten his reins-it's an ongoing thing. LOL Anyway, apparently the red mare was grumpy this day and decided to pin her ears as she was trotting past the princess. The princess took exception to this and kicked out (first time I've EVER had her kick at another horse while I'm on her), to which the red horse scooted sideways and the boy ended up in the grass. *sigh*

Nothing broken, nothing hurt, just scared the both of us.

Everyone got caught and settled down and he got back on his horse (round pen this time) and did a really good job controlling his horse. He REALLY likes trotting the old girl. I was then able to get on the princess and darned if she didn't get me off of her. It must have been the storm that was rolling in that had them so spooky but she stopped before a tiny x-rail and threw herself sideways-luckly I ended up on my feet. I didn't stay there since my clumsiness took over when I led her over and I tripped and ate dirt. *deeper sigh*

I decided the discussion was best had in the round pen about this and got her going over a rail, through some water, etc so that she had no excuses. Stinky mares...

I now get to explain to my chiropractor this evening just exactly how I ended up with my back hurting again, face plant story and all. :(

This is following a few other bad rides and I'm starting to feel really useless when I'm up there. Hoping against hope that this next weekend will be better.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A little about me.

Hey y'all. Just thought that the beginning would be a great place to start. I'm 31 and currently live in Alabama. I'm a single mom of a pretty awesome five year old little boy and we have 2 horses and 3 dogs (yes it's a mad house). We also live with my mother which brings a whole other set of issues.

I don't claim to know how to write well and don't know if anyone will be interested but maybe someone out there can get something from this.

I'm calling this the journey home because it's going to be about the process of getting back to a farm in Georgia that I really always felt was home for me and is where I found my younger mare. We may not be able to move back there but I would really like to be able to take her back and do a recognized show and do well. Sort of a full circle type of event.